Buzz Off places 6000 LLIN nets in Mae Sot for IDPs and Refugees

Nets 1After months of delays 6000 LLIN nets purchased by Buzz Off have arrived in Mae Sot for distribution into the IDP areas and also the Mae-la refugee camp.

This purchase was made possible through the generous support of an anonymous Singapore based foundation who have been providing funding for Buzz Off for the past 5 years.

As well as the nets, Rapid Diagnostic Testing Kits have been distributed in clinics and funds for medicines and second level treatments have also arrived. We are very thankful.

Buzz Off will order another lot of nets next month in time for the rainy season when mosquito numbers and subseqent mosquito numbers are set to rise.


Donations to Buzz Off for the p;urchase and distribution of nets are tax deductible and be made here. (Simply select Buzz Off nets from the Donation Target Menu.)