The day of big changes has arrived!

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Well, it’s September 30, and today after 23 years in the job, I step down as Australian Mercy’s National Director. Kent Truehl will take over this key leadership position and will do it with great passion and kindness. I have known Kent for many years and am thrilled that he is the one the Board have selected to take over from me.

David Skeat

September 2021 is a significant month for us, it not only marks the completion of 23 years at the helm of Australian Mercy but 25 years serving on the AM Board and 40 years since our YWAM journey began. But I am not ready to fully retire just yet. After a month’s break I will be back to manage Australian Mercy’s Burma based projects, and Buzz Off it’s malaria campaign.

Over the years I have been blessed to work with amazing people who have forged ahead with groundbreaking ministries to the poor and the needy. I have had friends and colleagues who have journeyed with me for many years as we have responded to the many challenges that have come our way as we have sought to make a difference in the lives of those who are experiencing the worst days of their life. And I have a family who has been there for me at every turn as this journey has played out. To all those people I say ”thank you, I give thanks to God for you all. We did good!”

Under Kent’s leadership, Australian Mercy will be free to take new directions and explore new ministry options. I think Australian Mercy has a rosy future under Kent’s management.

National and international leadership is not an easy road to walk and I am very much aware that in choosing me, God chose an inexperienced and weaker vessel to do this job. I know I have made mistakes over the years and to anyone that I have hurt on this journey I unreservedly apologise. I hope that you are in a better place and are able to forgive me for any unintended pain I may have caused you. I hope I am a wiser man and kinder man than I was when I started this journey!

Finally to all those in the field, I am so proud of you, you all rock! You continue to be in my prayers. No one could ask for better leaders and more inspirational project designers than you. It has been a great pleasure to journey with you.

I thank God for the amazing privilege of being Australian Mercy’s National Director, it was a life changing journey for me. May God richly bless you all.
