A blessed Christmas to you all.

The Board of Australian Mercy would like to extend Christmas greetings to all of our staff, volunteers, donors, supporters and projects clients.

Happy Christmas to all our staff, friends and donors.

The Board of Australian Mercy would like to wish all our donors, supporters, staff, volunteers and project clients a very happy and blessed Christmas. We hope that you and your families will have a blessed Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Syria Crisis Continues

he recent crisis in Syria that has seen massive refugee movements as the Turkish army advances into Kurdish occupied areas close to its border.

Rice Shortage in Mae La Camp

Since the beginning of 2014, Australian Mercy has committed to funding a nutritional supplement to those we work with in the Mae La refugee camp on the Thailand/Burma border.  Recently is was reported that the situation with rice in Mae-la is getting worse. We urgently need to raise funds for our nutritional supplements program …

Christmas in the camp – Report

Christmas 2018 in Mae-la camp was amazing. This year 1700 preschool children plus another 200 who invited themselves, plus 120 middle school children plus 107 teachers and staff all celebrated Christmas in the camp in December. The celebrations went from preschool to preschool and were completed over the second and …