Caring for Orphans, Destitute and Widows
Vanitashray is committed to facilitating the best child care practices possible in our approach to serving and preserving families. We Care for the destitute and widows.
We speak (advocating) up for those who cannot speak for themselves, We fight for and defend the rights of all who are destitute.
Underprivileged children, children from hard places, are exposed to abuse and trafficking, most die before they reach the age of 15.
They lack shelter, access to food, education and healthcare.

Some of our Activities
Run Day-care/Education Centres.
Provide daily midday meals.
Run Sewing classes.
Run Medical Camps.
Distribute groceries.
Assist single headed families/widows
Rescue minors from Red Light District.
Provide micro financing for women.
Some Facts
A child is orphaned by Aids every 14 seconds.
1 in 3 of these orphans are under 5yrs of age
46% of children under age 5 in South Asia are underweight.
1.2 million children trafficked into slavery of flesh trade industry each year
2 million children currently work in the commercial sex trade, some as young as 5 yrs old.
121 million primary school age children do not attend school.
Children leading households are deprived of basic rights.