Christmas in the camp 2021

It is time for us to launch our annual Christmas appeal, Christmas in the camp. We launch it in September so that we have enough time to get everything done in time for December. This year, due to COVID, things will be a little different, we will be making sure …

Christmas Appeal 2020

Australian Mercy is launching its Christmas Appeal for the children in Mae-la camp

Coronavirus in Mae-la Camp

Scientists are telling us that the widespread of Coronavirus is inevitable and that we urgently need to slow it down so that we can deal with it without overloading our health systems. The virus is in Thailand and Burma and Mae-la camp has less than basic health systems and the …

It’s Christmas in July!

It’s Christmas in July the time when Australia does Christmas in the winter time! This is also the time that Australian Mercy begins to fundraise for Christmas in the Camp! In Mae-la camp there is little for children to do. Food rations are reduced, medical services are almost no existent …

It’s time to prepare for Christmas in the camp!

For the last several years Australian Mercy has provided Christmas parties for all preschools in Mae-la camp. Over the years and as funds have been available we have been able to include other schools in the program. Christmas in the camp is highly anticipated by hundreds of families and for …

Rice distribution report July 2017

  Australian Mercy donors have supplied 1560 kg of rice into Mae-la camp for the month of July. 89 families received an extra 10kg supplement of rice and hundreds of children who are nutritionally at risk  have received regular rice meals and tins of fish within their preschool setting. This …