The Buzzoff seminar team made up of Kiwis, Dutch, Aussie and Burmese members completed the training of 50 new malaria volunteers at Khaunt khi. All of these trainees were from remote areas of Karen state.
The teaching went very well with us including new teaching on TB in the curriculum.
The venue was the baptist mission hall at it was the biggest available building in town. People from all walks of life attended including those form animist, Buddhist and Christian villages.
The team wishes to thank the Karen Baptist Church the KNU and Karen People’s Party who sanctioned the seminars so they could be held in the area. Also we wish to thank Saw Tun Aung Mynint (Minister for Races) who personally sought and received permission from the Prime Minister of Myanmar for these seminars to be beld in this restricted zone.
As the team understands it is composed of the first westerners to visit the area to teach in the area in a very long time.
Next week’s course will be held in Mandalay.
More news about Buzz Off can be found at