International Womens Day

International Women’s Day, on March 8, is a focal point in the women’s rights movement, bringing attention to issues such as gender equality, reproductive rights, and violence and abuse against women. In honour of a woman whose life was given for exactly this, The Donna McDermid Memorial Fund was established …

Turkey Appeal Update

Turkey Syria appeal  Australian Mercy’s Turkey Earthquake appeal launched on 14 February raised $5,200. Australian Mercy matched that amount from our Emergency Relief Fund and already sent $10,400 to a RescueNet Europe team, to buy winter tents, winter sleeping bags, water filters, medical supplies, and childcare resources. RescueNet is an emergency …

Turkey Earthquake Appeal

Australian Mercy has launched an urgent appeal for those in Turkey and northern Syria who are currently facing the greatest traumatic experiences they have ever gone through. As you know, a massive 7.8 magnitude earthquake hit south-eastern Turkey and northern Syria, at a depth of only 18km, toppled some 3000 buildings …

Ukraine Appeal

I am writing to inform you of an urgent appeal Australian Mercy has launched. Today, many people in Ukraine are facing some of the greatest traumatic experiences they have ever gone through. In response to this crisis Australian Mercy has launched a Fundraising appeal. We are in the unique position …

Buzzoff Distributes nets in Myanmar flood relief

Buzz Off’s Yangon manager Elizabeth Nwe is currently visiting flood torn areas of Myanmar distributing LLIN mosquito nets and other relief to flood victims. The pictures taken here are from Magwe division where. Many thousands of people have been displaced. Buzz Off needs more nets.   Your donation will help …

RescueNet Nepal Appeal

After the tragic event of the earthquake in Nepal REscueNet has deployed. The team is being headed up by the RN US Coordinator (David Mansfield). Dave has a wealth of experience and he’s supported with a group of 15 international team members comprising a doctor, nurses, Paramedics, Trauma Councillors, Search …

Syrian Refugee Support

Australian Mercy has a short term project in Iraqi Kurdistan (The Duhok Governorate – population 1.3 million) Now home to nearly 98,000 Syrian Refugees and more than 450,000 internally displaced persons (IDPs) from Iraq. . Our team, along with other ex-pats in our city have participated in several distributions for …