International Womens Day

International Women’s Day, on March 8, is a focal point in the women’s rights movement, bringing attention to issues such as gender equality, reproductive rights, and violence and abuse against women.

In honour of a woman whose life was given for exactly this, The Donna McDermid Memorial Fund was established to address gender-related issues such as education inequity, female circumcision, breast ironing, sex trafficking, child brides, and the like.

More information on the Donna Mcdermid Memorial Fund can be found here.

Consider a tax-deductible donation today.
All donations are invested and administered by Equity Trustees under the fund name: Australian Mercy International Women’s Charitable Gift. Annual dividends from this charitable gift are used to fund the work of the Donna McDermid Memorial Fund.

or donate directly via Equity Trustees
575 Bourke St
Melbourne Vic 3001
1 300 133 472
Donations to Equity Trustees must quote the following detail, – The Australian Mercy International Women’s Charitable Gift Equity Trustees Account No CH002310

Thank you for your generosity.