Recently the Australian Mercy Board received the resignation of Mark Cockburn from his position as the RescueNet Australia National Coordinator, a role that he has performed with distinction for over 20 years.
Mark will be moving on to new things and will be replaced by Ilari Makinen.
The Board of Australian Mercy wants to publicly thank Mark for his amazing hard work over the past 20 years. His tireless passion for those who are caught up in disasters has seen many lives saved and many people trained to respond to disasters. His passion and skillsets will be sorely missed and we thank him profusely for the years of excellent service he has given Australian Mercy through RescueNet.
Mark’s replacement, Ilari will be looking to move ahead with the vision of RescueNet and will bring a fresh perspective to this vital ministry. He also has a passion for those caught up in disasters and we look forward with confidence to RescueNet’s continuance in this specialized area of ministry.
We wish Mark and Ilari well as they move ahead in their new ventures.
Donations to RescueNet can be made through this web page.