Australian Mercy will be holding its annual Christmas Appeal for children in Mae-la camp.
Each year we hold Christmas celebrations in all of the Preschools in Mae-la camp. This takes place in December of each year. The event takes three months to organize so we launch the appeal in September of each year.
This event is greatly anticipated by children in the camp and is a huge highlight for them. It builds morale and helps them to feel valued.
Our goal is to raise $5,000 by October 31, when the first bills for this event will need to be paid.
COVID 19 restrictions will complicate this year’s event and we are looking at ways in which we can still provide each child with a nutritious Christmas meal and a wrapped present without breaking social distancing guidelines or endangering anyone’s health.
We expect that COVID preventions will slightly increase the cost of this year’s event.
Your donation will help to make a refugee child happy and provide them with nutritious food and a small present that will show them that they are special.
Your donation can be made here. Simply press the donate button and put the word Christmas in the comment box.
Thank you for your kind donation