Food crisis looms at Mae-la camp

d3fe3297-2a13-4942-8df6-dfb39b824998 Recent communication from Mae-la has informed us of more difficulties facing the refugees there. Our rice supplement program is doing well and many vulnerable families are healthy because of it, but prices of other food commodities such as meat, and vegetables have nearly doubled over past 2 years and the cost of our food supplements program is beginning to rise as a result food that is cooked for the children in the preschools lacks sufficient protein supplements such as chicken and vegetables.

We need help to meet these costs.

Some food is grown in the camp and gardens can be seen in most places but the amount of food able to grown for personal use but the amount of food that is able to be grown is far outweighed by the amount of food that is needed to be grown.

edd05737-5cea-4034-a831-10f4857fb2acWater is also a problem. Much of the water in the camp has dried up as the refugees look to the skies for the monsoons to come. At the present time water has to be carried great distances inside the camp and is rationed.

Australian Mercy is sending funds to the camp this week to try and help buy extra meat and vegetables for the feeding programs that it supports but more help is needed.

Your tax deductible donation will go along way to helping children in the stay alive.

Donations can be made via our secure site,  (just write Mae-la food program in the notes section)

A copy of our Board statement on emergency appeals can be found here.


Thankyou for your kind assistance.