It’s Sweet December Giving Time for the children at Mae-la

Children in the Zone A No9 Preschool in Mae-la Camp sing their “welcome song”

It’s Sweet December and Christmas is on the way! So, this year, as you are buying presents for your loved ones, why not give a present that will help change a life.

The refugees in Mae-la camp are in greater difficulty than ever before, services and rations are being reduced. Depression and suicide rates are up. For many children, the one square meal that they get each day is lunch at the Preschool that they attend.  A small gift at Christmas time could help the children in these preschools to survive.

This Christmas Australian Mercy is bringing Christmas to 16 preschools around the camp.

Donations made to this appeal will be used as follows;

A donation of $10 will feed 68 preschool children a nutritious midday meal for one day.

A donation of $20 will pay the wage of one preschool teacher for one month

A donation of $30 will buy a bag of rice for the “families at risk” feeding program.

A donation of $40 will buy 20 cans of fish for distribution through the “families at risk” feeding program

A donation of $50 will place a medical kit in a preschool which will last for about 3 months.

Any other amount will be used as needed.

Your generosity will help save and change a life in Mae-la camp

Donations can be made via our secure website    just select Mae-la Camp refugees.