Christmas in the Camp is on the horizon. Each year Australian Mercy provides funds for approx. 2000 preschool children in Mae-la camp to have a Christmas party in their preschool.
Every December each of the 20 preschools holds an event where Christmas is celebrated. Each child receives a present, has Christmas dinner, which usually consists of a rice and chicken meal, and sings Christmas songs, does cultural dances. Participates in skits and plays. It’s a time of joy and laughter. It really is a wow of a time!
To do this for 2,000 preschool children each year costs us about $5,000. We have been trying to fundraise this at various points in the year so that the run-up to Christmas is not so pressured. It is now time to raise the balance of what is needed.
To date, we have raised about $1,000 we need to raise the balance of funds in the next few weeks.
Your donation will bring joy to a child in a refugee camp. With your help, we can match that joy with the provision of a very nutritious meal and a cultural event that will mean a lot to them. Christmas in the Camp is the most anticipated happening on the preschool calendar.
Donations can be made through the Australian Mercy website. Select Mae-la camp refugees Thailand, and put the word Christmas in the comments box.
Thank you for your kind donation.