RescueNet arrive in Tacloban by military airlift. (Donations can be made here)

RN LogoThe RescueNet team is flying into Tacloban, Philippines, to join in relief efforts on the ground. Together with the military, government and other NGOs RescueNet is assisting in search and rescue, emerThe RescueNet team is flying into Tacloban, Philippines, to join in relief efforts on the ground. Together with the military, government and other NGOs RescueNet is assisting in search and rescue, emergency care. We highly value your prayers for our dedicated team members!gency care.

The team arrived in Tacloban and are going to TANAWAN (with the Philippines police) where they will be living in a secure military area.  An army medical hospital will be set up there and our team will be helping by doing medical work in that hospital.  They are also looking into sending out smaller groups to villages to bring aid.

They said that during the Typhoon the water had been so high in Tacloban that it was only the leaves and coconuts that could be seen in the coconut trees!!!!!

Communications out of Tacloban are very limited but we will continue to keep this blog and our Facebook and Twitter updated as we hear news from the team.


Donations can be made here 

A copy of Australian Mercy’s policy statement on Emergency Appeals can be viewed here