Turkey Earthquake Appeal

Australian Mercy has launched an urgent appeal for those in Turkey and northern Syria who are currently facing the greatest traumatic experiences they have ever gone through. As you know, a massive 7.8 magnitude earthquake hit south-eastern Turkey and northern Syria, at a depth of only 18km, toppled some 3000 buildings …

Ukraine Appeal Update

Be encouraged! $12,232 has been donated to Australian Mercy’s Ukraine appeal. And, as mentioned in the appeal, the Australian Mercy board matched donations up to $10,000. This means Australian Mercy will send $22,232 to Ukraine! Thank you for your generosity! All $12,232 given by donors will go to assisting Ukrainian …

Ukraine Appeal

I am writing to inform you of an urgent appeal Australian Mercy has launched. Today, many people in Ukraine are facing some of the greatest traumatic experiences they have ever gone through. In response to this crisis Australian Mercy has launched a Fundraising appeal. We are in the unique position …

Gday Farmer

G’day Farmer is progressing in its commitment to provide outfitted shipping containers to those living in the northern NSW area who were heavily impacted by the 2019-2020 fires.  In doing so, we have been helped with financial grants from several contributors, one being St Vincent de Paul.  We would like …

New Homes

Gday Farmer We’re thrilled that two containers have now been placed on two separate properties in Nymboida, northern NSW.  Two families now have a new shipping container that has been decked out with a sliding glass door and window, internal insulated panelling, LED lighting etc.  Some recipients have opted for …

New Project – Gday Farmer

Lending a hand to those who’re doing it tough! June 2020 Container UpdateThe trees are greening up in northern NSW but still many people are without homes after the summer fires.  G’day Farmer has two outfitted containers close to being delivered to needy recipients – hopefully in the next few weeks.  …

Fiji Cyclone Disaster Response

On Saturday, 20th February, Fiji experienced the most powerful cyclone in its history when Cyclone Winston hit the island nation with winds up to 300km per hour and category five strength. Whole communities were destroyed and many villages were greatly impacted. ‘Australian Mercy’ in partnership with ‘Island Breeze Australia’ is …

Buzzoff Distributes nets in Myanmar flood relief

Buzz Off’s Yangon manager Elizabeth Nwe is currently visiting flood torn areas of Myanmar distributing LLIN mosquito nets and other relief to flood victims. The pictures taken here are from Magwe division where. Many thousands of people have been displaced. Buzz Off needs more nets.   Your donation will help …


We’re pleased to be partnering with GO Fest Sydney being held June 24-27 at Parkside Church, Sydney. If you haven’t heard about GO Fest Sydney, it’s missions gathering with a twist. Young people (and young at heart) are invited to participate in worship, hear inspiring speakers and get equipped in …

RescueNet Nepal Appeal

After the tragic event of the earthquake in Nepal REscueNet has deployed. The team is being headed up by the RN US Coordinator (David Mansfield). Dave has a wealth of experience and he’s supported with a group of 15 international team members comprising a doctor, nurses, Paramedics, Trauma Councillors, Search …

RescueNet Vanuatu appeal

In the wake of the Cyclone in Vanuatu, RescueNet has deployed. The RescueNet team will be working with the UN and other agencies helping to provide medical and practical relief to the victims of this disaster. The Australian Mercy Board have launched an emergency appeal to raise funds for the …

Buzzoff Seminar

The Buzzoff seminar team made up of Kiwis, Dutch, Aussie and Burmese members completed the training of 50 new malaria volunteers at Khaunt khi. All of these trainees were from remote areas of Karen state. The teaching went very well with us including new teaching on TB in the curriculum. …

Syrian Refugee Support

Australian Mercy has a short term project in Iraqi Kurdistan (The Duhok Governorate – population 1.3 million) Now home to nearly 98,000 Syrian Refugees and more than 450,000 internally displaced persons (IDPs) from Iraq. . Our team, along with other ex-pats in our city have participated in several distributions for …

Buzzoff Malaria Project

The Buzz Off team has just completed two more Burma seminars where 98 new malaria volunteers were trained. The team consisted of trainers from Australia, Myanmar, Holland and the UK who held two seminars in remote Burma. Twantay – Irrawaddy Seminar The first seminar took place in Twantay a township …

Home of the Open Heart has a fantastic opportunity for two couples to serve as houseparents. Houseparenting is not a job for the faint-hearted, but rather for people who would love our kids as if they were their own, who love living in community, love working in team and who …

BuzzOff News

An exciting report on the history and future of BuzzOff. Malaria is preventable and treatable!

Redefined-Congo Project Kilamanjaro Fundraiser

We are excited to announce a Huma Charity Challenge . Reach the summit Kilimanjaro and help our project Refefined-Congo achieve their mission in Mahagi Territory, in the north east of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), to build a community where: All children have access to school, Women are valued …

Buzzoff Mosquito Net sales

Buzzoff is continuing to raise funds for free net distribution by our sale of Mosquito Nets online at http://buzz-off.org/shop/mosquito-nets/. IF you are looking to travel or simply to gift a net please visit the site. WE are also selling Rapid Diagnostic Testing kits which make it easy to correctly diagnose …

Burma – Myanmar, Buzzoff documentary

This short video was made by our friends in Burma. It highlights some of the results of the training our Buzzoff project has been doing. We are so excited to be able to share this simple story with you about our Malaria training and treatment program. We currently have another …

Father Abrahams Clinic

If you take a 5 hour drive along rugged roads north of Jayapura in Papua – you will be likely to come across a little shack on the side of the road – this is Father Abraham’s clinic.   Abraham is a retired medic of 35 years experience who runs …