Resignation of Director

Australian Mercy sadly announces the resignation of one of our outstandingly talented and respected Directors, Mr. Matthew Colwell. Matt has been part of our Board for several years and has been a wonderful asset. His wisdom with regards to details and legal issues has been great admired and appreciated. Matt …

Buzz Off Burma – final stats for 2014

The final statistics for Buzz Off Burma 2014  are in and they show that the campaign has grown and is moving forward at a great rate of knots; In 2014 Buzz Off Burma saw;   4 training courses run – training 200 malaria volunteers              …

Buzzoff Malaria Project

The Buzz Off team has just completed two more Burma seminars where 98 new malaria volunteers were trained. The team consisted of trainers from Australia, Myanmar, Holland and the UK who held two seminars in remote Burma. Twantay – Irrawaddy Seminar The first seminar took place in Twantay a township …

A remarkable kindness

I want to tell you about an act of amazing generosity. Last week I was in Cambodia at Cambodian Harvest a project we have that trains and employs land mine accident survivors. ( As I was visiting I was asked tell the staff at Cambodian Harvest about  some of our …

Australian Mercy Launches Its 2014 Annual Christmas Appeal

Australian Mercy is launching its 2014 Christmas Appeal. Each year we provide a Christmas party for over 2000 preschool children in Mae-la camp. The Christmas party involves fun and food, and presents and the telling of the Christmas story. This year children in 2050 children will be catered for. Each …

Home of the Open Heart has a fantastic opportunity for two couples to serve as houseparents. Houseparenting is not a job for the faint-hearted, but rather for people who would love our kids as if they were their own, who love living in community, love working in team and who …

Australian Mercy completes its 2014 AGM

Australian Mercy completes its 2014 AGM The Australian Mercy AGM was completed today and the 2013 – 2014 Annual Reports will be uploaded to this site in the next 7 days and will be available from this link. Full copies of the audit of accounts are available from the National Office …

Keeping Indian girls safe

It is a sad reality that in some places children are not safe; and it is an even sadder reality that in some places girl children have an even greater chance of being raped, or abducted and sold into the sex trade. A few years ago we created the Donna …

Australian Mercy to hold its Annual General Meeting on August 11, 2014

Australian Mercy is holding its Annual General Meeting on Monday August 11, at 1:00 p.m. The venue is the Australian Mercy Offices, 2 Wentworth St Port Kembla NSW 2505     All are welcome – member proxies can be downloaded from here    All inquiries about this meeting should be …

BuzzOff News

An exciting report on the history and future of BuzzOff. Malaria is preventable and treatable!

Thankyou Senator Mason

Yesterday Australian Mercy National Director, David Skeat and Corina Moo met with Senator Brett Mason, Parliamentary Secretary for Foreign Affairs at Senator Mason’s parliamentary offices to discuss the worsening situation in the refugee camps and specifically the effects that the cutting of rice quotas has had since November 2013. Senator …

Keeping young Indian girls safe

It is a sad reality that in some places children are not safe; and it is an even sadder reality that in some places girl children have an even greater chance of being raped, or abducted and sold into the sex trade. A few years ago we created the Donna …

Belle’s Story

Home of the Open Heart has been a project of Australian Mercy’s for many years. They do the most amazing job working with HIV affected families in Northern Thailand. Today we received this video from them – please give generously to this need through our secure site   all donations …

Big Changes at Mae-la Preschool

Last week the Australian Government unexpectedly granted our dear friend Corina Moo a refugee visa to come to Australia. No one was more surprised than Corina! Corina applied to come to Australia as a refugee following a serious health scare last year. From that time the camp environment has continued …

Redefined-Congo Project Kilamanjaro Fundraiser

We are excited to announce a Huma Charity Challenge . Reach the summit Kilimanjaro and help our project Refefined-Congo achieve their mission in Mahagi Territory, in the north east of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), to build a community where: All children have access to school, Women are valued …

Buzz Off Releases 10 Burmese language malaria videos

Buzz Off have released 10 new Burmese language malaria videos on its Burmese malaria site  These 10 minute videos feature renowned malaria specialist Saw Marcus Winn. Saw Marcus is an eminent etymologist who has worked in on malaria projects in Myanmar all his professional life. Currently he is the Deputy Director …

18 more bags of rice delivered to Mae-la camp in April

Australian Mercy’s Donors are really helping in our Mae-la Rice appeal another 18 bags were delivered to Mae-la camp as at the end of April, bringing to the total of bags donated by Australian Mercy donors this year to 53. One men’s coffee group from Burnie in Tasmania has donated …

World Malaria Day April 25, 2014

World Malaria Day, 25 April 2014 Invest in the future. Defeat malaria Global efforts to control and eliminate malaria have saved an estimated 3.3 million lives since 2000, reducing malaria mortality rates by 42% globally and 49% in Africa. Increased political commitment and expanded funding have helped to reduce malaria …

Nineteen more bags of rice arrive at Mae-la camp

Last weekend Australian Mercy delivered another 19 40 kg bags of rice to the Mae-la refugee camp to assist with the nutritional programs for children in the camp and to supplement families in dire nutritional need who are linked into the camp’s preschool system. This delivery of rice has been …

Australian Mercy upgrades its privacy policy

In keeping with the new privacy legislation that comes into force on March 12, 2014 the Board of Australian Mercy has reviewed and renewed its privacy policy and statement. The new privacy statement can be read here.   The Board of Australian Mercy are determined to protect the privacy rights …

16 bags of rice delivered to Mae-la camp

Last week Australian Mercy made two deliveries of rice to Mae-la camp one of three bags and the second of 13 bags plus 250 LLIN mosquito nets. The rice will help to feed children and families who are suffering from the cut in the rice quota which was started in …

Mae-la Emergency Rice Appeal Report

In October 2013 Australian Mercy launched its emergency rice appeal for Mae-la camp. Thank you to all the people who are continuing to give to our Mae-la emergency rice appeal – A bag of rice costs just $25.00. We are now distributing $500 worth of rice a month (approximately 20 …

A Christmas Appeal Thankyou From Corina

Our Christmas appeal gives a Christmas party to children in the preschools at Mae-la camp. This year Corina also ran a second function, an honoring time for her staff and gave small cash gifts to staff who had been with her for 5 years or more. The preschool teachers are …